Thursday 28 May 2015

On the Road: Liverpool - Beatles & Bits

We set of bright and early on Monday morning and traveled through the Queensway Mersey Tunnel one last time.  First stop:  The Beatles Museum.  We had a lovely time and the girls rocked out to the music that accompanied the displays and stories.

After this we went to the Maritime Museum next door. Some absolutely fascinating displays and huge model boats that were exquisite in their detail. The Slavery Museum is right above it and we popped in for a quick visit there too.

Then it was off to Bold Street for an absolutely delicious lunch. A short stroll up the road saw us at St Luke's Church. During WWII, Liverpool was the second most bombed city in Britain because of it's ports. St Luke's was hit and completely burned/bombed out and destroyed in the resulting fire. What's left behind has a bitter-sweetness about it. You can even see remaining bits of the stained glass still in small corners of the windows.

Next we headed to Mathew Street, another historic Beatles area, where they regularly performed at the Cavern Club when they first started out. Before we knew it, it was time to head home.

We had such a great time over these few days - just one weekend! We loved it, the girls loved it...which only made us love it more.  Family adventuring - dreams coming true : )

L xx


  1. I love reading about all your adventures so far - it makes me slightly "homesick" for the UK! Xx

  2. Yep! Dreams coming true indeed! Just look at that museum! I would so like to see the Beatles museum! So fun for your kids to experience this!! Just a cool trip all the way around! Happy weekend my friend! Nicole xo

  3. Wow you are getting around! Love the Cathedral shots.
    Have another great weekend.

  4. Good you are all getting out and about.

  5. Dreams coming true . . . Dream big my beautiful friend xxx

  6. Just gorgeous and your girls get to experience it all with you x


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