Tuesday 29 May 2012

Superhero E

It's finished! One superhero cape for a little girl who loves dress up's 3rd Birthday :)

It turned out ok I think - the shiny fabric and colours are sooo pretty....

I used this very clear and simple tutorial/pattern.
Hope the birthday girl saves her world!

We have a gorgeous day but 3 sick little girls... Went off to the doc this morning to get the lay of the land as temps up to 39.5 amongst other things are a bit high for my liking - knowledge is power and we hopefully have some remedies!  Luckily nothing serious at this stage :)

Having a fold out couch, duvets and movies makes feeling yuk a whole lot better though :)
3 more sleeps to the long weekend!
L x

Monday 28 May 2012

I had mail...

Another block arrived in the mail last week - this one's from Treena.
Thanks heaps!!

And this morning I whipped out to get some supplies for a birthday present I want to make this week.... 
Doesn't it look pretty and fun already?
Fingers crossed the finished product is too... :)

Happy Monday everyone!
L x

Thursday 24 May 2012


Even in the darkest night there is a star that shines : )

Lately I've been drinking truckloads of this:
Sooooo goooood......

We are absolutely loving A Game of Thrones.  It is freeking brilliant.  Seriously didn't think we'd get into it as I'm really not much of a medieval/fantasy type person but alas, we now hang out for it.  And on the same note... Mighty Ape had a wee book sale on Wednesday... and look what my fingers bought...
Have no idea, No Idea, when I am going to read them but I WILL!

And my girls - where would I be without them and Hubby? This is Liezel who turned 1 in April, and a couple of weeks later got her first teeth - this kid is my little firecracker :)

Have a happy weekend everyone!
L x

Joining in here.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

A bit daunted...

So, Hubby's Oma is celebrating her 80th birthday later this year.  This is the same lady I made the Dutch Pinwheel Cushion Cover for last year.  Based on how much she loved it and also the fact that she doesn't "need" anything as such, I had been thinking for a while that I will make her a lap quilt for her big birthday.

So after a bit of homework, I've drawn up this very rough plan.  4 appliquéd Sunbonnet Sue's and one Fisherman Sam/Overall Bill to represent our section of her family.

This is where I start to get a bit weary of this idea.  I've never appliquéd anything before - it feels like this is a big deal considering the magnitude of the occasion...

So, my dear sweet readers, can any of you help with tips or pointers on appliquéing? I've googled and googled and there are hundreds of ideas and suggestions but I really don't know where to start or what will give me the best results given my skill level in this area.

Any ideas or tips or pointers will be hugely appreciated!
Thanking you
L x

Easy does it...

Gosh time just flies - I know I go on and on and on about it but seriously I simply cant get my head around it and can seldom keep my days of the week in a row... Anyhoo...

It's been a frantic old time lately on lots of levels, but we're getting there.  I'm slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things on the sewing/crocheting front.  About a month ago I completed this little hat for my niece and was quite happy with the result - mainly that it fit!

For fun I've also made a few little flowers that the girls have had heaps of fun playing with.  (pattern from Attic24).

And just last night I started on a ripple scarf for my youngest... It's getting quite chilly now and the other two don't leave the house without their's!  Fortunately with the cold temperatures come absolutely stunning days :)

I'll be back with more senseless ramblings, a cry for help and other stuff soon!
Bye bye
L x

Thursday 10 May 2012

Mother's Day Makings

With Mother's day coming up I realised at the start of the week that I better get my A into G and organise something for hubby's Mum and Oma...

They live in the South Island so when I saw Nin's Handwarmers it was a no-brainer.  But that's one sorted... what the heck for the other?

A lovely friend recently gave me this Crochet book which had a very simple and cute wee purse in it.  Perfect I thought, so whipped it up super quick.

Mmmm, not quite enough though, what else, what else.  Aha, this website had lots of quick ideas so I settled on a couple of keyrings.

Mother's day is a wrap.  Linking up here.
Bye bye
L x

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Before the manic birthdays begun a couple of Fridays ago I snuck in this one last block before focussing on my real priorities...

Criss-Cross Triangles
I like it : )

A lot has happened in this time and there are many things I want to/don't want to write about at the same time.  It's tricky as I am caught between wanting to air thoughts and feelings but I don't want to feel like being perceived as whining and moaning... Blah.  

In the meantime my sewing mojo is in limbo, so is the blogging one and many other things really.  Blah.

I have music playing all day everyday and wherever I go (mostly).  One thing I have recently discovered that is not Blah is Lana Del Rey - bought the album over the weekend and haven't stopped listening to it... Epic, beautiful, haunting, soulful...

With that I bid you adieu...

Linking up here.