Wednesday 19 December 2012

Show and Tell on a Thursday - a First!

Hi Lovelies,
Thank you for joining me today on our first official Show and Tell!  I'm so looking forward to having you all play along!

One of the things I've managed to do the last couple of weeks are these gift tags.  Super duper easy - card, punch, glue and optional ribbon... done!

I forgot to take photo's, but I used the white shape cutouts on coloured backgrounds as tags too.  Pretty much no waste - love it : )

So what have you been up to?  No doubt a few special Christmas gifts being made? Cant wait to see!
L x

Show & Tell Thursday's

PS: I hope everything is working as it should... if not please let me know!


  1. I love zero waste projects they are so satisfying. You certainly have plenty to show and tell that has made it my way - do steal photos off my blog if you don't have them - your work should be show cased!! Today's pincushion point in case it is stunning!! the boys love it too. :o) xx

  2. Hi, I just came across your site and love it : )

  3. woo hoo! lovely wee gift cards leonie x

  4. Oh man I have nothing to show and tell this week, but I love the idea. I'll join up next week. I'll have gizillions after Christmas!

  5. Love your gift tags- maybe I need to get myself a paper punch, I always struggle with the pretty presentation of my gifts!
    So excited, Anya's butterfly pattern is now available on my blog!

  6. Awesome! I wrapped all our gifts yesterday and realised I had no way to label them! Tried to make really lame ones that totally failed. So I went out and bought cheap stick on ones from Kmart. Yours are much much nicer!! ;)

  7. Oh lovely!! I can't wait to join in when I get home!!

  8. Just became your latest follower. Love that you are a NZer!!!


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!