Thursday 27 September 2012

Bless the flowers and the weeds, my birds and bees

I have a friend with a severe allergy to bees.... So extreme that the system deemed it necessary for her to be desensitised... After some initial tests she was booked in to spend two days at hospital while the process was started - one that would go on for years....

I saw this little guy on Pinterest a few weeks ago and alarm bells  ambulance sirens went off in my head :)

A few days later he was  ready to go and fulfil his duties as a faithful friend and friendly face throughout this process, without the nasty side-effects his living counterparts : )

Ironically the system has now decided that although extremely severe, Cat's allergy isn't severe enough to have the treatment... This little guy still went to live with her and will hopefully continue to be the friendliest bee she knows : )

Have a great weekend everyone!
L x


  1. I LOVE my little bee
    He is sitting happily on my dressing table next to the bee Juliet made me underneath the cross stitch I did in 1990 the year I found out about my allergy.
    Bless the system and their funding

  2. he is a very friendly looking bee isn't he, and beautifully done. very sorry to hear cat can't get the treatment she needs for such a frightening and severe illness x

  3. Aw he's gorgeous! Definitely a very friendly looking bee

  4. cute bee.... not so sure about the system!

  5. What a lovely friend you are. I love that you used your sense of humour in dealing with a hard situation (and frustrating that she can't now have the treatment!!). He is beautifully made too.


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