Tuesday 18 September 2012


We've Danced - At our new Tuesday Morning Hangout - Mainly Music
We're Baking - Fresh Bread and Chocolate Fudge Cake
We're Listening to - Imagine Dragons

Last Week:
Monday: Watching dancing giggling girls amuse themselves and me
Tuesday:  Heidi recalling with crystal clarity and singing songs in the afternoon that she'd heard once only earlier that morning at Mainly Music.  Amazing what they take in and remember.
Wednesday:  Crafting with friends and children :)
Thursday:  A great day on many levels that restored a little bit of hope.
Friday:  Watching my two big girls at their first Ballet Class.
Saturday:  A wonderful quiet and green drive out to Kumeu on my own.
Sunday:  A quick lie down resulting in a nana nap...
Monday:   Wonderful early morning snuggles with H before we Had to get up

On another note, I have been pottering away at various projects and will be able to reveal some in the next few weeks.  Looking forward to sharing it with you lovely folks :)
L xx


  1. Wow look at that immaculate stitching! Who's the talented one around here???

  2. love the sneak peak - looks very intriguing! Love the way you are collecting wonderful moments -so cool

  3. SQUEAL LOVE so much about this
    Mainly Music has been GREAT for both/all of us xxx you've given me reason to skip into the middle skip back out again clap hands 1 2 3
    LOVE our Wednesdays
    AND squeal squeal squeal I KNOW I am VERY excited about your reveal it is gonna be sooooooooooo great

  4. Ahhh that reminds me I need to head down to my local Mainly Music... I used to take the boys when they were younger.. great place to meet new friends ")

    The sneak peek is looking good!! I reckon I know what it is too?! Time will tell ")


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!