Tuesday 24 July 2012


Miserable dreadfully dreary weather days here lately...
But Loving this song - beautiful lyrics:

The mailman has also brought these blocks from round 2 of the Bee to our letterbox over the last couple of weeks:

From Nin

From Debra

From Lisa

Round 3 is in full swing too and have loved it!

Then finally, the happy diary:
Monday: Listening properly to the song above - the lyrics resonating with me.
Tuesday: Liezel actively playing with her sisters and initiating games like trying to get them to chase her.  Too cute :)

Happy Humpday Everyone!
L x


  1. Lovely blocks
    Lovely song
    Thank goodness for hump day xxx

  2. We love Newton Faulkner in this house too!


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!