Sunday 1 November 2015

Forty Four/52

A great mid-term break. A playdate, reading, chilling, the odd movie, baking. And a lot of playing! We had great fun also working on a rap video for a homework project for A - we laughed and laughed and laughed. A backyard filled with gorgeous autumn leaves and light - made for some wonderful play and lots of laughter.

I often feel a bit gushie when it comes to you three - but my goodness... I look at those faces and I watch you going about your day-to-day's... pieces of my heart walking around outside my body, and it is full and bursting with love and joy.
L xx


  1. Gush all you like, I don't even know these girls and it makes me happy just looking at their expressions! Just darling.

  2. Your girls (and their Mama) are so beautiful xxx

  3. such gorgeous girls and so happy :-)

  4. These photos are so gorgeous! Frame-worthy! And such beautiful writing - I love that phrase - "pieces of my heart walking around outside my body". xox


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!