Monday 29 April 2013

The return of the Travelling Stash Box

Good morning!
Remember the Travelling Stash Box?  That was organised all the way back when?  Well it has had a journey all round the country and last week it arrived back to my front door!  Thanks Leanne : )

It looked very different to when I last saw it but still contained great goodies and items I could not leave behind!

I've restocked it with more items and this week it will make it's way back to Cat.  Thanks for organising it!

Yay for exciting parcels!
L x


  1. AWESOME!! Wow, that took ages, I dont know why I thought it would all happen quickly! Would have been cool do to a linky or something somewhere so you could see peoples posts about it / what they made from it! Maybe an idea for the future?


  2. awesome ! you ladies organise fun stuff ! love the dot fabric
    hugs xo

  3. Yay - good to see it again. I did try and track its progress, but got lost along the way. Looks like you got some gorgeous prints in there!

  4. Thanks for the personal delivery this morning :)
    So lovely to see it back again and yes to ^^^ it took AGES
    Ideas are forming as to what to do with it next

  5. That is SO cool!! I SOO want in next time it travels around....

  6. Great to see it still on its travels! Looks like you got some very Leonie fabrics :-)

  7. I'd love to take part if it goes travelling again! Looks like lots and lots of goodies!


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