Sunday 17 August 2014


H & L:   Little toes and striped tights - you two love being close to each other and are usually on the same page in your day-to-day interactions. Watching and listening to you play and chat fills my heart.

A & L:   Having a big sister and having a little sister must be so awesome. Big sister loves sharing and teaching and helping, and little sister loves the attention, time, inclusion and feeling like she's part of the big kids too. Big sis devoured Matilda and is trying to get both little sisters to read it... now she's on BFG and little sis is "reading the pictures" in Matilda - so sweet!

L xx

Joining in with Jodi @ Practising Simplicity.


  1. Aw so sweet to see them learning from each other - and what better books than Road Dahl - they are all fabulous! Those little toes are just the sweetest peeking out in that pic! xx

  2. those toes!!! so cute, is there anything better than reading children xx

  3. So cute! Yes, I think having and older sister and a younger one must be the best!! It's always precious to see how they learn from each other and "read" stories. I often smile to myself when our girls pick parenting books or any of our books that they take off to read during their naps! Love the Suisse shirt, too. It's even from our part ;o) xx

  4. Two very sweet photos, so lovely that the girls get on and spend time with each other like this. Now my kids are grown it is so cool seeing them still looking out for each other. Love those toes!!!

  5. Oh those little toes!!!!!!! Melts my heart! And those books are some of my favorites!!!! I would read Roald Dahl to my students when I taught 2nd grade. Such beauty here wonderful that they have each other!! Nicole xoxo

  6. Such wonderful sister bonding going on. Yay for Roald Dahl standing the test of time too, i still enjoy reading them.

  7. This is the best time of their life. (and yours too)
    As they grow up things slowly change (though the bonding will be there)


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