Thursday 27 March 2014

You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug

Almost every time I do a Friday song post, I am seeing the video for the first time. Often the video and the way the song feels to me dont match up or not at all what I expected. Today's song though, had me grinning from ear to ear as it did not detract from the way I felt about the song at all!
Enjoy lovelies!

L xx


  1. that video was a surprise and very cool

  2. I hadn't seen the video before - love it!! Although it made me cry. Both the guy in the library (?) and in the mall have got moooooves! And the lady in the pink top. Also - the guy who walks past like an Egyptian cracked me up :) Thanks for sharing yet another great song and vid xxx

  3. LOVE IT!!!! I have heard the song before but never thought much of it. But just watching the amazing video, made me HEAR the words......................thanks for sharing!

  4. AHHHHHH!!! I LOVED THIS SO VERY MUCH!!! Such a beautiful song and the video just made my heart sing! I love when artists reach all people in such a real and alive way! A wonderful weekend to you friend! Nicole xoxo

  5. what a fun clip! Loved the quirkiness of it all and especially the comments at the end! Going to play it for my girls cause I want to see them be brave!

  6. I have always loved the song and the video and of course Sara . . . a very powerful happy meaningful song which I play over and over in my car LOUD


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