Wednesday 26 March 2014

Show & Tell: Ping Pong Autumn

Well hello there, come in, come in!

Show & Tell Thursday's

How's the first quarter of your year been? Great? Warming up? Full of promise?

For our Autumn party last weekend I whipped up some necklaces to adorn our wee Autumn Fairy Princesses...

Strung on some wool considering I didn't have any suitable string...

Super simple little crochet balls, in autumn colours.

They've been worn non-stop and the girls love them! Always a bonus :)

What seasonal crafts have you been making?
Looking forward to seeing what you share!
L xx

Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Very sweet and autumnal, perfect for little autumn princesses. Such a lovely idea xx

  2. Lovely wee necklaces lovingly created ! Gah I really need to add baubles and balls to my to do learn list

  3. These are so cute and colourful (and so neatly made!), I can see why your daughters love them.

  4. Not surprised your girls love them! They're gorgeous!


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!