Monday 1 August 2011

The week that was

It's been a bit quiet on the western front - but I'm happy to report that thankfully we're all improved and had a happy week!

The week in pictures:
Monday: Great fun learning another new game.

Tuesday: Particularly enchanted girls made 3D Swing pictures...
And topping up the liquid soap results in this effect... little mushroom like pods of the old stuff rise up... fascinating...

Wednesday:  The girls invented a new game: Hospital (aka our entrance-way).  All the animals are patients and receive impeccable personal care and attention while recuperating from all manner of illnesses and accidents.

Thursday: No caption needed...

Friday:  Fun with milk and colours as seen on clever Renee's blog!

Saturday: A super fun smiley day... really!

Soon I'll post a delayed Wordless Sunday and Bookreview!


  1. love the swing art works! your kiddies look very similar in age to mine. looks like a fun week in your house :)

  2. Those penguins are so cute! You have some very cool games :o)

  3. Hehe! Love the horsy ride. Your photos are lovely Leonie! That coloured milk is awesome! And I love the swing art.


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!