Wednesday 19 November 2014

Show & Tell: Ghosts of Christmasses Past

Hi again,

Show & Tell Thursday's

Ok so I don't have anything new to show...shock horror! Doesn't mean I haven't been making stuff! Though to be fair there's not an awful lot of making going on... I am quite sure that my days are going down a black hole of forgotten nothingness... or I'm loosing my mind... anyhoos... When I presented my wee conundrum to a friend she gave me a great suggestion - let's do a Ghosts of Christmasses Past post!

So gather round, gather round and please share some of your cracker Christmas makes from previous years (or this year!). Gifts, decorations, foodie items... let's pool our resources!

Some of my favourite goodies made were just from last year - baubles for Africa, mushrooms and teeny socks... but i think the apples took the cake.

Not sure why but they just made my day - making them and packaging up with a KitKat as teacher's gifts gave me a kick. I'll take them where I can ;)

So share your clever creations with us please? Link up new makes, old makes, Christmas makes, non-Christmas makes... Go on - sharing is caring!
Have a splendid day
L xx

Pattern for the mushrooms here, and patterns for the baubles and apples here.

Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Love all of your makes as you know, and funnily enough I had typed the link in my post before I even saw that your post was going to be crochet-related. I haven't made anything to gift for Christmas presents, or for teachers before. You are so clever and I love how you packaged up the apples for your daughters' teachers.

  2. I love those apples!!! And I feel a bit behind in my Christmas making at present!! I need to make a list! Thank you for spreading some inspiration today to get me going! Nicole xo

  3. yes a lot of making needed here but not so much happening! Ho hum.... we'll get there, or not! Love all your crocheted loveliness xxx

  4. What an awesome friend to come up with that idea! I do love the apples/kit-kat combo! Perfect teacher gift. I'll have to hunt out some past projects to link up!

  5. You creative genius you! Adore, well all of it really, but particularly those apples!!! Xx


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!