Friday 25 October 2013

You should go have a look at this...

This weekend the Blessing Deb auction will be in full swing...

Go and have a look at all the amazing goodies donated by some lovely generous people - there is bound to be something that takes your fancy!

This rainbow quilt will also be up for grabs...

So pop in to say hi and spread the word - the more the merrier!

Good luck and have a great long weekend!
L xx


  1. Your quilt is popular already !! !! !!
    I am going to bid on this myself

  2. Awesome - beautiful quilt and so many lovely things to bid on.

  3. Stunning! Alas already out of my budget, but that is good for the auction! xxxx

  4. This is awesome! I love me a rainbow quilt.

  5. So gorgeous Leonie, you are such a generous soul.x


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!