Monday 19 August 2013

Happy Mail

Hi friends,
How was your weekend?
Here things are trucking along on all sorts of fronts and as busy as ever.  I hope to come back and chat a bit more about our goings on sometime : )

Last week among all the bills and work mail I received this lovely lovely book... to be fair for some reason the postie had left it round the back of the house in the rain?? I discovered it by accident the next day and luckily the book was completely fine... phew!

I had completely forgotten about the promise of something special so it was super awesome - and perfect for a mum of 3 girlies :)

Top of the girls list for mum to make them is Boo the bunny... they pretty much love everything in this book, as do I! Thanks Juliet - it's simply gorgeous : )

Would love to hear what you've been up to over the weekend. Anyone else receive some happy mail or come accross any fantastic books (craft or otherwise) lately?

Hope you're having a happy Monday!
L xx


  1. Cute! Good weekend, nice to see the sun for a bit.

  2. oh fun! I am expecting a little bit of happy mail very soon actually! :o)

  3. sweetness in the mail
    love it


  4. Its always a worry sending someone a book that you haven't seen yourself! So glad there is plenty of inspiration in there :-)

  5. You'll have to bring it next time we catch up! Looks like a good one :) - I LOVE happy mail! xxx


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!