The options are endless but I thought I would share a few favourites with you.
Family Friendly Fun: Ticket to Ride
Ages: 8 and up
Players: 2-5
An oldie but a goodie and one we often come back to at the end of the evening. There are many different maps and variations available, along with an online version and apps for your smart-device! It's quick and easy to play (30mins or so) and can be super competitive or very friendly - depending on who you play with! It was our introduction to Euro boardgames and we have never looked back.
Something with Serious Strategy: Agricola
Ages: 12+
Players: 1-5
Possibly one of my favourite all time games - I could probably play it most days. A game with a lot of "thrill of the chase" as you are always thinking about how to get ahead : ) It is not for the fainthearted though and has a big set-up, rule book and takes about 2 hours to play - but it is definitely worth it!
Light and Fluffy: Dixit
Ages: 8+
Players: 3-6 (or up to 12 with Dixit: Odyssey)
This is very much a light and fun family game that is imaginative and provides a lot of laughs. We will often play it over holidays or when there are a few extra people about. Play time varies depending on just how many people play but it's a relatively short game.
Perhaps I'll try to review a game or two on a weekly basis as I found it almost impossible to stop at those 3... There are so many great games that offer different things for different tastes, groups, level of interaction, brain engagement, etc etc...
What do you like to do during these wintry nights? Would love to hear what you get up to and if you have any favourite boardgames!
Happy Humpday : )
L xx
Again, I've never heard of these and they all look fantastic! I would definitely love to see more reviews like this, we enjoy family board games after dinner too occasionally, and there is only so much Chicken Out and Shopping List a mother can handle!
ReplyDeleteOh do-i've never heard of any of these games before AND were experimenting with being tv free!!! At the mo. we go to bed super-early but im keen to dust of our board games for the weekends-thanks for the prompt. My faves are trivial pursuit (i have an electronic version you can upliad new questions into), and i loved playing mastermind and card games with my family growing up, but we haven't played a board game with claud yet-maybe pick-up-sticks to begin with x
ReplyDeleteI'm a board game kinda girl - in fact I have a cupboard full of them (not like the collection you have tho) my problem is a lack of people who want to play .. .. ..
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of any of them! But they look like a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteWe have just made a "horsey swing" which is hanging from a rafter, and if our little girl could swing on it all night she would... he he. Every now and then she will get off and give "horsely" a drink from her drink bottle :) Great entertainment for all of us! xx
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Ticket to Ride!! I have it on my iPhone hehe. I love board games but with some of the longer games I find my attention wandering. So the short and sweet games are my favourite. I enjoy Dominion at the moment!
ReplyDeleteWe really like Carcassonne and Rummikub - a family favourite! Also Phase 10 is a good card game, and in January we were introduced to Yahtzee Deal (I think that's what it was!) which was a lot of fun too!
ReplyDeleteThese all look really fun to play, I am sure my son will love the Ticket To Ride game! He currently loves a game called Dino Dodge from Chimp and Zee, but we are looking for some slightly more difficult games. Thanks for the suggestions!