Tuesday 12 June 2012

Blocks, blocks and more blocks

I've been a bit occupied with blocks lately...

This one I tried today - my first attempt at paper piecing... I definitely need more practise though before I feel like I've got the hang of it!

These next to for a friend of Cat, who's making a star block quilt.  While at it I tried my hand at appliqué and blanket stitching! Thanks for the tips guys! With a bit more practise I'll get them looking more uniform!

And these two in the mail for the Bee.
From Juliet:

and from Angelique:

I am looking forward to laying all the blocks out and see how it might look!  I've also decided that I'll turn it into a quilt for my eldest who turns 5 next year.  She already loves helping Mummy with all the blocks and putting them together!

Hope all is well in your worlds!
L x


  1. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
    and thank you for the star blocks xxx

  2. Ah you've done two of the blocks that are on my list to try. Paper piecing still drives me a bit crazy at times, but I love the results that you can get so I reckon its worth the hassle. Love that first block- very pretty!

  3. lovely paper piecing! I really need to give it another go but am a little scared! love the applique and blanket stitching x

  4. I have only done very little paper piecing myself; not sure how I feel about it yet..lol But I really like the piece you did. It looks great; as do all of your blocks..thanks for sharing.

  5. all of these stars are amazing......beautiful job

  6. You have been busy - I love the paper pieced block (first picture) - the colours are so lovely. My daughter also loves playing with the blocks I have so far - its the best game to arrange and rearrange them and she feels she is being very helpful!

  7. Thank you for making the beautiful star blocks! I'm really happy with them. You're a star for making them xxx


Thanks for stopping by - it brightens my day!