Sunday 16 March 2014

The Cookie Connection - Part 3

The Cookie Connection: Deliver a batch of baking once a week to a neighbour in your street and make some connections in your neighbourhood.

Within 4 weeks we had delivered a batch of biscuits to every house on our street - turns out there are exactly 52!

Cards and gifts started arriving - we were gobsmacked! Such lovely words and lovely things - baking, calenders, chocolate, hand-knitted toys for the girls!!! Each little card and item got me everytime. Not to mention all the personal interactions along the way.

The power we hold to make a difference in our communities and in our own lives is truly amazing.  A simple batch of biscuits, a little note and a smiley delivery has brought so much joy to us, and it would appear to many on our street too.

It's been such a rewarding experience and we still enjoy waving and saying hi to our 'neighbours'.  The girls were a bit distraught that we'd finished our street and want to expand our "catchment area"!   If we ever move into a new area - guess what? We will be doing it again!

Thanks Lisa for instigating such a simple and lovely project!
Have a happy week cyber-neighbours!
L xx

You can read about Part 1 and Part 2 here.
Linking up with Lisa @ The Cookie Connection 


  1. I really do just love this! And look at all of the goodness that has come back your way! AMAZING!!! I have yet to meet all of our neighbors down the street and this is the perfect way to do that! A wonderful weekend to you friend! Nicole xoxo

  2. Heartwarming series of posts! You are so right - we CAN make such a difference in our communities! It is simply a case of taking the time and making the effort to do so. Good on you :o)

  3. I love that people have responded with such love and generosity back to you. 52 deliveries is AWESOME!! Go you guys x

  4. Wow - so special!
    I liked your idea so much we started it on Friday. After I sent some cookies off to my sons soccer team and had some for our play date, I only had enough to give to one neighbour. But plan to deliver cookies to one neighbour each Friday :)

  5. This is super beautiful - I was going to ask you if you had delivered to a couple of street neighbours of yours whom I know . . . it would seem you have
    I love that you and your kind heart/s did this
    Bless you all

  6. such inspiration ♥ bless Your teaching your Children amazing things .
    hugs xo
    p.s how cute are those dolls

  7. Wow! I love the map you've drawn and I love how everyone has responded with so much kindness!!!!

  8. What a wonderful thing you and your family have done!

  9. how wonderful. Receiving back some hand written cards would mean more to me than me even giving baking etc out. What an amazing neighbour you are! A long time ago a neighbour I barely knew had seen us with our newborn and turned up with a teddy bear she had made - it was fantastic and we still have it.

  10. Thanks so much for joining in! It really is fun isn't it... and it looks like you have inspired more to join in too. Wahoo :) xx


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