
Sunday, 20 September 2015

Thirty Eight/52

A big week. L started school! Over here kids start school at the beginning of the school year in which they turn 5. So 8 months earlier than it would have been in NZ, our baby became a big school girl. Two utterly adorable and doting big sisters watching over her - three peas in a pod. L had a great first week and it finished off with a school trip with parents - involving a nature reserve and den building in the forest. A lovely day, though L felt terribly shortchanged that there was no "school" that day! We were all pretty shattered by the end of the week - three tired but very happy wee girls... big school girls!
L xx


  1. She is such a cutie!!! Bog changes for mama when all her babies are at school!!??!!

  2. Oh your baby off to school, such emotions!xxx

  3. Wow - so much change but embraced positively by all it sounds like - those are very lovely looking uniforms - and L will be just fine with such attentive big sisters to look after her! Hope mama is going OK with all the change too xx

  4. Could she be any cuter .. .. .. honestly that is pure cuteness right there
    Each of your girls is so different from the other
    And how are you coping?

  5. Oh my goodness! I can't believe she has started school now. How huge is that! It looks like you guys are having such an amazing time. Miss you heaps! xox


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