
Monday 31 August 2015

Thirty Five/52

A: You were thrilled that we finally busted out the "make your own" felt hairband kit that you received for a birthday a year or two ago. After what was a mixed session of trying to learn crochet you were happy to do do something more simple. Lately when we ask you to do something or about something, your initial response is almost always "Of course!" And for some reason you have also started saying "alrighteeeeeyyyy" quite a lot, often absentmindedly to yourself. We started watching some of the Star Wars movies over the long weekend with you all. You were not that keen but were by far the most emotionally invested when we started watching, even proclaiming that it was "much better than expected"!

H: I love your tenacity when learning new things. The crochet was tricky but you love having steps to follow. then we moved on to your birthday sewing kit and you are still talking about back-stitching and blanket stitches. Loved watching you and your sister enjoy crafting, making and learning. Given your recent interest in Star Wars it seemed appropriate to introduce you three to the movies. And you loved it - the ships, the sabers and all the different characters. You like to use the words "in fact" a lot when you're talking. You often "know/knew" things and now we have a lots of "in fact" to back it up. What a character.

L: You managed to find the box of Mummy and Daddy's old soft toys and the three of you proceeded to ask/claim them. It was a bit like Christmas for you it seemed! You weren't that keen on sitting still with the crochet and sewing so instead buzzed around and did your own thing... mostly test concentration levels :p Again I am noticing how big you are getting... it may just be that I am acutely aware of school starting soon too and then fitting school shoes and seeing you looking all grown up... In the meantime you are loving practicing writing numbers and letters and have taken at least one thing away from these sessions: "If you never try, you will never learn." You like to remind us all of this every opportunity you get whether applicable or not ;)

L xx

Sunday 23 August 2015

Thirty Four/52

Back to reality this week!  We had a lovely quiet time at home and resumed our daily writing and maths learning/practice, had some fun outside and replenished the books a few times.  You've all taken on different roles when we go to the supermarket.  H is the list reader, L likes to steer the trolley and A sometimes holds on to bags, but is mostly the cheerleader.  I love how we all fall into our natural rhythms and positions.   One super moment during the week was H encouraging L to learn to ride on the "big bike".  What a wonderful coach and encouraging teacher you were.  L loved, loved the attention and the challenge and managed a few spins unassisted.  Yet another milestone being reached.

L xx

Sunday 16 August 2015

Thirty Three/52

We exchanged the wonders of Paris for a small commune to the South of France this week.  A beautiful old house with a wonderful backyard.  You girls loved our "home" for the week and were always looking forward to getting back and being able to play outside.  Sunshine, sticks, fruit trees, snail shells, stones, water, plants and flowers.   They were your tools for fun and creativity, along with lots of room to run and play.  Je t'aime mes filles.

L xx

Sunday 9 August 2015

Thirty Two/52

What a week!  So much fun and you three have loved our family holiday so far.  Getting to do this with you girls... I cant begin to tell you how much joy it brings to feel your excitement, see your smiles, hear your giggles and see the wonder in your eyes.  My cup overflows.

In this collection you were captured:
- dancing on the glass floors of the Eiffel Tower
- enjoying a quiet moment at the Trocadero Fountains
- posing at the Louvre
- Disneyland!!!
- playing in the garden and getting soaked
- and finding, of course, Snails :)

L xx

Sunday 2 August 2015

Thirty One/52

A full, busy and exciting week it was. Lots of walks, multiple library visits, a lovely afternoon spent with sweet friends and the start of a big trip to round it off. At one point L exclaimed "I am Totally Exhausted" - so dramatic : ) A completed the Reading challenge at the Library, all three were invited to a lunch and playdate with new friends where we had a lovely time. Then of course came the holiday we have been dreaming off and counting down to. On the Saturday afternoon we arrived in France and it wasn't long before L found snails and all three were chasing after a frog. The irony was not lost on us! L was appalled to see her snails in a supermarket freezer earlier on too... After a beautiful and hot wander around the Luxemburg Gardens on Sunday, you loved dipping your feet in a fountain to cool down.

A very happy second week of school holidays.
L xx

Saturday 1 August 2015

July - 6 Months!

July marked our 6th month in the UK.  Looking back on the last few months it is interesting to see the path toward "normal" days and then also how normal it now feels.

School finished for the year in July.  There were all manner of events and going's-on in the last few weeks.  A and H both loved performing in their various productions as part of the School Festival.  They were also terribly proud to have some of their work and art displayed at an "end of year" exhibition at school.  L graduated from Kindy after a gorgeous leaving ceremony, and sports day the week prior saw her grinning from ear to ear in every race and then at her medal.  There was a final school induction session for L, who couldn't wait to get back and start already!

School holidays started too of course and we had a great couple of weeks at home.  Daily "homeschooling", twice-weekly library visits, and something fun most days.  Some of that fun happened in the form of the long dreamed off Lollipop Stew for A and Chocolate Soup for H that they both got to make.  The girls all made great progress in the summer reading challenge at the Library and the holiday has already seen a bit of nail painting, as you do.

The girls have all made lovely friends and were firstly invited to a fun backyard fair with the neighbourhood kids, and then to a party at the beginning of the holidays - bouncy castle, lots of sunshine, yummy food, face-painting and henna!  Happy children.  The following week they were invited to another playdate and had great fun.  It has been a good month for getting to know some parents at school :)

I got to catch up with a friend again and we both enjoyed our coffee catch-up with a little yarn action on the side.  There was also lemon coconut birthday cake and presents this month - spoilt : )  We had lovely phone calls, messages, Skyping and facetimes and a few parcels from NZ too.  We adore our mailman!  We somehow managed to go out to dinner twice as a family (hoorah for vouchers!) - both to local Balti houses for absolutely delicious meals.  Another treat for us all.  D continues to be super busy and productive at work, making great progress and doing his thing.

Somehow it's also been quite a productive time in the sewing and gardening department.  Lots of ripping out of plants, dead trees, weeds etc, and then quite a bit of weed matting, putting down bark, top-soiling and grass sowing.  On the sewing front I've been able to test a couple of awesome patterns for Juliet, and also made a Big Little hooded scarf as a birthday gift for one of A's friends.  There has been a tiny bit of crochet as work continues on the big blanket.  A new fun activity has been colouring in thanks to some gorgeous adult colouring books received as gifts.  So many things to enjoy doing... so little time to do them all ; )

L xx