
Friday 30 January 2015

Four& Five/52

A: You celebrated your 7th birthday during our last week in NZ. Despite all that was going on, you remained completely calm and composed and enjoyed every minute of your special day. After lunch with Granny the day before, the morning started off with presents, a trip to the shops for a new bracelet to put your charms on and also to choose your own one - a Kiwi - very fitting. Then your favourite special drink - strawberries and cream fruppacino, followed by some very needed new shoes. Followed by lovely friends popping in to see you throughout the day and afternoon, a few goodies in the mail, phone calls from more lovely friends and ending the day with a birthday dinner celebration, family, a special cat birthday cake and a sleepover with your sisters at your Cousins' house. You deemed the day amazing and special and awesome and, and, and... You are our treasured big girl xx

L: Our last swim of the NZ summer at Grantie and Gruncle's house. You had a ball despite not wanting to really go into the water after what sounded like a promising start. You - always working a new angle. Also playing foxes with your wee friend and sisters - pretending to sleep dressed up as Elsa... It was a special week with you (and your sisters) also stopping in at Kindy to say goodbye. Such a joy to watch you and the teachers, and take in for the last time, the amazing relationships you all had there with a wonderful group of people. So so special xx

H: You and your wee boyfriend. Gosh you two are adorable. You have enjoyed keeping track of all the goings on and all the details. Knowing the facts and the plan helps you and really makes you feel part of and in control of what goes on. Who knows where you get that from :p Still, you enjoy the process and being such a serious and mature little thing makes you a delight to watch at all stages of this journey. That last week you were happy and focussed and completely part of all the detailed arrangements. Such a joy xx

Saturday 17 January 2015


My three delights, reading together in the shade after a happy day with friends, swimming and a library visit. Doesn't get much better than that! xxx

Thursday 15 January 2015

A very big year...

Oh hi! Come in, sit down and have a cuppa wont you?

So, I have something to tell you. It's kinda big and it is very very exciting for us.

Do you want to guess? No... I'm not pregnant :p

I'll tell you. We are moving to the UK!

My lovely hubby has been offered a marvellous position in Birmingham and we are all thrilled to bits about this new family adventure!  It has been an incredible (in every sense of the word!) journey so far and we are delighted to be able to finally share this news with you :)

I'm sure it probably explains a few things :) Of course I'll still be around in this space, but there will be a little less making and a little more packing and bearing finding...

So, what do you know about Birmingham or the UK or Europe that would be handy to know or great to visit? Any bloggers close-by? Any tips, tricks or pointers gratefully accepted!

I hope you haven't choked on your cup of tea... :) And I'll make sure there is a fresh pot on if you should ever find yourself in our new neck of the woods!
L xx

Sunday 11 January 2015


This week has seen us at the zoo, the beach, visiting friends, doing a few crafty things and generally enjoying our holidays. We are making the most of all this sunny weather with frequent trips to the beach! And you three are loving it - every minute!
A - you've always loved the water and your confidence has grown so much in the last year. You are fearless and love trying out all the new things you've learned in the water - pure delight!
H - you enjoy the water...but on your terms :) Though this summer has seen you "diving" in and gaining in confidence and ability. Holding your breath and blowing out your nose to submerge your head is your new (and hilarious) accomplishment.
L - Watching you back into the water on your hands and knees makes us laugh. Also pouring buckets of water into your "tracks" in the sand and watching the water "melt" cracks me up (even if you find it a bit annoying!).

L xx

Monday 5 January 2015


A lovely start to the year - strawberry picking and outings to the beach, playgrounds and the zoo. We are making the most of this sunshine and you three have been soaking it all up.

Here's to more of the same over the next couple of weeks.
L xx

Thursday 1 January 2015

52: The Final Ones for 2014

You may be forgiven for thinking I had fallen off the wagon so very close to the end... but no. I did miss a couple of weeks due to some camera battery charger issues but have tried to "make up" for it in the last couple of weeks :) These holidays we decided to actively focus on making fun family memories: visits to and "sleepovers" with dear friends, discovering new cycle tracks, visiting special places, going up the Sky Tower, along with some other fun activities in the new year. We have had such a lovely time so far!

A:  You finished your second school year with joy and enthusiasm... the same way you started it. You've grown and learned so much, and are really such a big girl. You have remained consistent and "you" in almost every way: loving, caring, kind, a keen love for animals and a strong desire still to be an "animal rescuer" when you grow up, your imagination still knows no bounds and your passion for reading and crafting has only grown stronger. I can hardly believe you will be 7 in just a few short weeks... you are so "big" and yet still so beautifully innocent and fully believe in Santa, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and magic. Bless your precious gentle heart and may you stay sweet and pure for many many years xxx

H:  You are such a tenacious and factual child. Your level of determination, precision, fact and detail is something to behold. For a little girl, you are mighty grown up in many of your thinking abilities. You have always been like this and after half a year of school, a very encouraging big sister and absolute drive and resolve, you are thriving and nothing can hold you back. Singing is still a passion for you and we delighted in seeing you and your big sister sing in the school "Christmas Choir". You have such wonderful different relationships with both your siblings, you can read a situation and adapt your approach accordingly. You did not buy the "elves" at Santa's Bach... "they were too big". Don't grow up too fast my darling, but at the same time remain the delight that you are xxx

L:  Over the last few weeks and months you have matured and grown a great deal. You seem a lot older than you are! Your langauge and speech has developed hugely and you have moved on to playing "independently-together" to "collaboratively-together" with other children and your sisters. You are still cunning and smart as a tack, and keep us on our toes... though you have really become a more even-tempered little girl. You've come out with many hilarious things though I struggle to remember them right now. We had great fun putting up the Christmas tree and your obsession with all the Santa's and jingles (bells) - oh how you love the magic of it all. It is almost impossible not to watch you going about your business without grinning from ear to ear. You dance to your own beat and I look forward to seeing just how you grow in the next year my precious little dot xxx

L xx