
Friday 22 June 2012

Modern Sampler Bee - Round 3

It's time! Round 2 is drawing to a close at the end of June and I am well overdue to get things organised for Round 3... I have valid excuses I assure you but will go into those a little later :)

So - Round 3 for the Modern Sampler Bee will commence in July with blocks to be completed and sent by the end of September.

We are making and sending to each other 12.5" x 12.5" identical Blocks of OUR choice in the colour choice of the individual BEE members out of our fabrics.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the first two rounds and am looking forward to this one.  If you'd like to join in the fun, leave a comment or email me or Cat.  Go on... you know you want to!

Looking forward to hearing from you lovely people!
Have a great weekend :)
L x

This is the result of blocks received and made so far... with more to come!
Various blocks came from: Cat, Juliet, Nin, Laura, Lisa, Sharon, Debra and Treena

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Ripple Scarf

I have finally completed the scarf I started a while ago!  I ran out of two colours and it took about two weeks to find time to finally find the right colours at selected shops!

Anyhoo it's done now and has been well received : )

Joining in here.
L x

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Blocks, blocks and more blocks

I've been a bit occupied with blocks lately...

This one I tried today - my first attempt at paper piecing... I definitely need more practise though before I feel like I've got the hang of it!

These next to for a friend of Cat, who's making a star block quilt.  While at it I tried my hand at appliqué and blanket stitching! Thanks for the tips guys! With a bit more practise I'll get them looking more uniform!

And these two in the mail for the Bee.
From Juliet:

and from Angelique:

I am looking forward to laying all the blocks out and see how it might look!  I've also decided that I'll turn it into a quilt for my eldest who turns 5 next year.  She already loves helping Mummy with all the blocks and putting them together!

Hope all is well in your worlds!
L x

Tuesday 5 June 2012

From one flower to a Flower Garland

So I was initially just going to make one little flower attached to a chain or ribbon to tie around the wrapped up Superhero cape ...

But then I thought nah - I should do a couple more and make a few leaves too...

But then I thought nah - if I'm going to make something like this it might as well be 'useable' otherwise E and her mum will just have little bitty flowers and leaves that get buried under things and toys and what not...

I know I'll make a garland!  And each flower will have some pink as it's her favourite colour : )

A few nights later... Ta da!

Might have to make one for us now too : )

My kiddos are all slowly getting better - thanks for all your lovely comments and best wishes : ) It's been a long week and the nights have been even longer... One feels so helpless in the middle of the night when you've done all you can and yet they cough and cough and cough making them feel even more miserable...  We'll all get there I'm sure!

Hope you've all had a splendid long weekend and the week ahead is looking dandy!
L x